Symptoms of Lung Cancer in Women - Over the last few years,there has been a tremendous increase in the victims of lung cancer. This increase has been far more steep in women then in men. Hence we should always be on the lookout for symptoms of lung cancer in women. The reason being that,the earlier the cancer is detected the better. If cancer is detected at a later stage then the treatment becomes more complicated. hence we should lookout for symptoms of lung cancer in women and start the treatment as soon as possible. Lung cancer affects more severely then even breast cancer.

Symptoms of Lung Cancer in Women

The disease of cancer does not easily display it’s symptoms until it has advanced. Hence if you delay the treatment after detecting the symptoms of lung cancer in women then it may prove to be fatal.Hence don’t ignore the symptoms. In this article we will discuss some of the most common symptoms of lung cancer in women.

One of the most common symptom is pain around the lung areas like chest,shoulders and back. This is a continuous pain and should not be mistaken as pain due to cough. Since our lungs are a important part of our respiratory system,hence any disease of the lungs will affect the respiratory system.Hence if you are having continuous trouble in breathing,then chances of lung cancer increase dramatically. Also if you are a smoker then you will already know how your body reacts to smoking,so if you have longer then normal cough which is persistent even though you have stopped smoking then chances are that you might be suffering from lung cancer.

Another important symptom is frequently being affected by pneumonia. Also if there is presence of blood in the sputum then it may indicate lung cancer.

If you are unable to detect the symptoms of lung cancer in women in earlier stages,then it may prove to be a fatal step. The symptoms of lung cancer in women change when the cancer has advanced to a later stage. Here are some of the symptoms of the advanced stage:
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Extreme laziness.
  • Unusual and Sudden bone fractures.
These are some of the symptoms of lung cancer in women. As always, you need to consult your local doctor for a detailed in depth examination before proceeding to any conclusion.

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