I’m Superman In The Flesh! - The title explains everything out perfectly. Right now I feel nothing less than the best. The mindset you have will be what takes you to the top. If you don’t believe you have what it takes to be the best at what you do, then more times than none you won’t be. It’s all really just that simple if you want to get your paper. When you feel like Superman, then your performance will be super. If you develop a better mindset for yourself, then you will develop for the better. Stop killing your motivation by thinking less of yourself.

I’m Superman In The Flesh!

With 4-5 hours per sleep each time, I still manage to wake up feeling like a million bucks. Waking up alone puts me in a good mood, because i realize that someone else wasn’t so lucky. So, due to my blessings alone, I wake up feeling like Superman. But, being human, I do that those mornings when I just don’t feel right…and that usually happens if I sleep 6 hours or more. A healthy self-confidence is essential to making things happen for yourself in this life.

I think that many people fail to ever make it because they compare their level of success OR the results they seek to everyone else when, in fact, those people started their businesses years ago.
YOu cannot expect to go from Newbie to Pro Blogger in a few months. Yes, there have been some people who can and will be able to achieve massive results early on but it simply does not work like that for everyone.

I think that make reach your ultimate goal is to keep making strides forwards regardless of roadblocks, setbacks or even failures. Most important of all, keep making strides forward without comparing your success to that of others. When I reach a goal or accomplish a set milestone, I reward myself but also never lose sight of the real goal at hand.

Confidence in yourself can carry you a long ways. If you feel like a superman and treat yourself like superman, then your productivity and success will reflect your attitude.

I know many people do this every day. It falls more towards jealousy, because you see someone else succeeding and don’t believe in your abilities. You doubt your abilities at developing them above and beyond everyone else. It’s hard for you to keep progressing without a progressive mentality. Starts by first fixing the mindset you have, and then you can follow my tips to feeling like Superman in the flesh.

Proper Grooming

You have to start your day off with the proper grooming if you want to feel super. I know there are days where I don’t properly groom myself right away. On those days I never feel as good as normal. Grooming yourself is essential and it can make all the difference in your positivity.

It will give you that confidence you need to display. Everyone wants to be around a person that looks properly groomed. You will attract the other gender and nothing’s better than that. Anyone can become an attraction all it takes is the proper grooming. More importantly it’s a major part of good health, because you will be protecting yourself from bacterial diseases.

In life you will be up againt many obsticles and the only way you will be able to come out on top is if your focus is on point. Without focus you will fall victim to failure and lose of motivation. Taking care of yourself, and buying yourself a few things from time to time will help your motivation. I know it always helps mines.

From your toe nails all the way to your hair you should groom on a daily basis. Start your day off on the best note possible. You want people to be attracted to your cleaned up appearance. I know if a person looks a mess and stinks I don’t want to be around them.

Spoil Yourself Every Now & Then

Believe it or not, it’s perfectly okay to spoil yourself from time to time. I mean you are worth all of it and some more. If you work hard every day you deserve to spoil yourself. It will make you feel good and all happy inside. Personally, I love to go shopping and buy a whole bunch of cool stuff for myself.

It’s impossible to feel super without spoiling yourself every now and then. When I use my money to get something I want it fulfills me. Even more, it re-energizes and makes me even more determined to get more money. You have to spend money in order to get money. There’s no other way to go about life.

You really need to learn how to start spoiling yourself. Remember that it’s perfectly okay as long as you control it. Never go overboard but, instead find a median. I know you will learn to spoil yourself, because it will always put a smile on your face.

Strengthen Your Focus

This is the key to feeling just like Superman (or woman). Their focus was always on point like their laser vision. Your focus has to always be on point to reach your destination. It’s very hard to accomplish that unless you get rid of all the distractions possible. The world is set up with countless distractions today to throw your focus completely off track.

You can never slip up though, because once you lose focus it’s even harder to get it back. Instead of letting yourself slip off track you should be figuring out ways of strengthening it. Persistence, dedication, and repetition strengthen your focus the most. The best way I have found is to actually want what you’re going after for yourself, and no one else. When you do what you do for your satisfaction, then you don’t need anyone to push you along. You’ll be good all on your own just like Superman.


It’s great to feel like a young superman in the flesh. The fact is that you can too. It will help you become more successful. There is nothing more important than believing in your abilities. You have the power to turn those dreams into reality. There is no obstacle you can’t overcome. Superman would never back down from anyone or anything that stood in his way.

Instead he would fight his heart out until he was victorious. Never back from road blocks, because that will turn into a habit. Negative habits are the hardest ones to break. Show the world you do a super job at what makes you happy. Everyone has something that makes them happy, and all it takes is a little time to figure out. When you find what makes you happiest, and then work even harder to be the best you can be at it. You should set your sight on being nothing less than super!

It feels good to be like Superman, we can all be Superman like at what we love to do. Self Confidence is good but it should not cross the limits of Over Confidence. Seriously, it’s best to balance work and play. Push yourself 110% for a task, then ease off and let yourself recover and rest. Keep the scales firmly balanced.

Working everyday is my passion. I love money and I won’t let money leave me. I will never let another person out work me. I love have paper in my pockets, and I’m going to work as hard as I can till the day I leave this earth.

Do you wake up in the morning feeling super or feeling like crap? What makes you feel better throughout your day? I would like to help you feel like a million bucks! Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts, because my readers don’t bite

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