Give 100 Percent at Work All Day Every Day! - The other day I was doing some late night reading and I came across this mate whose name I will leave un-mentioned. Well anyways, he wrote something that truly struck me hard and I had to share it with my community!

hard work eventually will pay off. We just have to do our best, depend on God and have faith. I like what you said about going 100% all day. This is so true my friend, otherwise, we will not go very far. To stay focused in this crazy world the most important thing is to be organized! If you don’t create a plan for the next day, you will do things that doesn’t support your goal and destination!

Give 100 Percent at Work All Day Every Day!

There is so many things out there in this “crazy world” to distract you from your goals and aspirations. That is ecatly why I have made the choice to eliminate all my distractions. I think if everyone did that it would help them become far more successful at what every they choose to pursue. I remember whenever I use to play baseball I would always hang out with my team members like-minded peers to eliminate all my distractions and practice. The more you do of anything the better you will become that’s just natural.

I was watching a video on youtube with Kobe Bryant. He said when he was playing in NY with the Knicks that every celebrity was approaching to greet him. Even he’s friends with most of them, he couldn’t pay attention to them because he would loose all his focus! Imagine that you want to win the game, and everybody comes to you to say hello.

So, if you’re doing something important, in order to succeed you need to focus 100%. Kobe Bryant is a BEAST and a pure example of how far hard work and willingness to develop can bring you. I really admire his focus during games you can physically see it on his face. It’s funny that you would bring that up, because I was just recently watching one of his old games.

That is the reason every business looks for people who work hard, because they help everyone else by naturally pushing them to work harder and do a better job. You are right on point again my friend. I bet if you look for anyone to team up with you want a person you know is always going to work hard would you not agree?

It is so true that we must give 100% for what we are doing if want to get the maximum result. The focus is sharp indeed. You must give what you do everything you possess if you ever want to truly see what your made of. Then you can actually see what you have the potential to accomplish in the time at hand. Keep your focus as sharp as possible, so sharp it will cut anyone or anything that gets in your way.

I’m bad with procrastination, but a good motivational post like this is sure to take me out of the rut and actually get stuff done, not just half-assed, but with 100% effort!. Procrastination is something that is extremely hard to conquer. It’s one of those things you have to work on improving one day at a time. I’m glad you received motivation from my post, because that’s exactly what I was hopping for. If you give 100% starting today till the end of next month you will see the benefits of giving your all.

Human beings tend to gravitate towards hard working people who always aspire for more because it makes us want to be better. The inspire as well as are inspiration and who doesn’t want to be an inspiration to others?

The only way your going to achieve the desire results is if you work hard and long enough to achieve those results. I feel sorry for people who think they can’t get anywhere without ever promoting the best work your capable of promoting. When someone works hard on anything its noticeable and the same applys to when you don’t work hard.

You see, everybody wants to change their life for the better but only a select few really put in the work to make it happen. I think your best reason to give it 100 percent all day is your last one.

At the end of the day you don’t want to look back at your life and say I wish i would have tried just a little bit harder. Instead you want to look back and feel proud that you gave it your best regardless of the outcome. Effort is one of the most important ingredients for success.

everybody wants this and that, but you give what you get, & if you don't put in the work then you won’t get the desired results. The people who truely work hard can be spotted from a mile away. They can’t go unnoticed for too long, then when they do get thier recognition it’s all the better!
At the end of the day i know I don’t want to look back and say that I wish I had of tried harder. That is something I think about a lot actually. Its part of what propels me to work so hard and never look back. When I actually do look back I wanna be able to say, “Dam, I worked hard on that”!

Today’s prominent quote, “Give everything you do your best, or don’t give anything at all”.

Wahoooo! You know that just hit you hard. I couldn’t agree with that statement more. You should give everything you do 100 percent and here’s why.

One Life to Live

In this life we live were only blessed with one. Not two, three, or four even though some people act like it. You shouldn’t sit around hoping for something great to happen in your life. That may work for some people, but for most it doesn’t. The only way plans are going to happen the way you want, is if you work hard at making them play out step by step.

You don’t get a second chance so, you should be driven to follow your passion. Don’t settle for anything less then what you’re capable of giving yourself, and that is complete happiness. Give 100 percent and make the best of this life you were blessed with. There is no better feeling than to wake up cheerful to go to work. Truth be told, most people didn’t work hard enough for themselves to achieve what they really wanted. For that, they wake up every morning depressed about another day of work. I know I fall under that category. This is why I give everything I have to construct a better future for myself.

Once people find there passion they have to take action. If you want to become a singer, but you never apply to take singing classes what good are you doing? You know excaty how you want your life to be, but your taking no action towards reaching your goal. If people would just take the first step 9 times out of 10 you will find that your passion continues to carry you.

I feel sorry for anyone content working under another person. Personally, I believe you should want more for yourself. You only have one life to live. For that very reason you deserve the finer things in life, and to have complete happiness starting with your job. This all starts by going 100 day in and day out.

Accomplishment is a great feeling!

Excellence Is Contagious

If you have ever been on a team with an all-out go getter, they probably pushed you to work harder. A person who gives their work 100 percent effort gives off a powerful aurora believe it or not. It’s natural for me to work hard every day. When I’m around certain people, their persona pushes me to work even harder.

Instead of giving 100 percent you might motivate someone else to give 115 percent. People are going to pull towards you, because it’s going to help them to be around you. Before you know it someone will be asking you to team up with them. It’s all because excellence is contagious just like the common cold. Sneeze; look up next thing you know people will be trying to take the same route you took. Every turn you slide by they slid by also.

It’s hard for people not to want to follow a person giving it all, because all that excellence rubs off. Just like excellence is contagious, laziness is even more contagious! You must choose your inner circle carefully. Work with people who keep up the work load and you will have a force to be wrecking with.

Hard Work Can Only Go Unnoticed For So Long

It’s a proven fact when you go 100 day in and day out your hard work can only go un-noticed for so long. Everyone on this earth is different in their own ways. It may take me a couple years to get the attention and traffic I desire. Since I’m different from the next cat, it might only take him/her a couple of months to get to my position.

It’s really all up to how willing you are to work hard and develop for the better. By developing for the better I mean trying out new things to figure out what’s working and what isn’t. When you figure out what does show positive fallouts, work on capitalizing. It’s impossible for all your effort to not get noticed. Whether you know it or not, there’s always some watching you. They might not have the balls to give you your credit where it’s due yet, but people do admire what you’re building.

Believe me when I say your hard work will inspire many people. That’s just what hard work seems to do, as weird as that might sound. Continue to go 100 every day and you will carve your name in the stone. You will know you’re ready to take on the world, because you won’t let anything stand between you and your goals. It’s an awesome feeling when you train yourself to go 100 percent!

Everyone Likes a Hard Worker

I know I like when I see another hard worker! I believe everyone in my community are hard workers, because they know where it will take them with persistence. When you truly start giving all the effort you have you will earn people’s respect. Businesses have to grow and what type of people do they look for?

Businesses look for hard workers!

When you have a team you have to have people who can keep up their work load. If you develop a team of like-minded hard working people it’s bound for greatness. Any team of hard working people will always do well in businesses, sports, games, etc. You get the point I’m trying to make.

Plain and simple if you work hard every day good things are bound to happen. Only because, you worked hard and made your brand stand out from the crowd. The possibilities are endless, so sometimes you just have to sit back and think. Re-analyze your goals and make sure you still know what you’re working towards.

Make a Name for Yourself

There are always those names of famous people you don’t forget. No need for me to go into detail, but they have built their names from the ground up through continuous hard work.

For instance, movie star Denzel Washington is a name you will never ever forget! You will never forget his name, because he gives acting his complete all. No one can act quite like Denzel Washington. Now I’m not saying you going be the next Denzel Washington. I’m saying you can be even more!

There’s no limit to what you can achieve when you work hard. People will know exactly what you represent. The more your name gets in and out of people’s mouths the more your fan base will grow. When people have good things to say about you, somehow your name can’t stay out of their mouths. It’s all a part of the game.

Know You Gave Your All

In my opinion the best thing about going 100 day in and day out is you know you gave everything you had in the end. There is a satisfying feeling that comes along with hard work. You won’t feel like there was more you could have done. They say you get out of anything what you put into it.

Play all your cards down to the very last one. Lay everything you have on the table. I don’t just talk about working hard, that’s the life I live! At least one day I will be able to look back and say, “I gave my business every last ounce of energy I had”. What will you be able to say homie?


Here at this blog we only believe in going 100 all day every day. When you give everything you do everything you have there’s only one way to go and that’s up. Hard work has a way of making things work out for the best all you have to do is stay dedicated.

If you’re not giving 100 percent stop settling for less than what you’re capable of developing into. Go after every goal like there’s a million dollars waiting at the finish line. Do you believe in going 100 everyday? I can’t wait to hear from you!

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