Make the Money, Don’t Let the Money Make You! - Money is only the object that comes from true hard work. If you don’t work hard and dedicate yourself to something you won’t be making much of it. Well at least not without doing thing shouldn’t be doing. Remember that money is a just a result of WHAT you do, not WHY you do what you do.

Make the Money, Don’t Let the Money Make You!

Money seems to make the world go round. Everyone must have money to survive in today’s society. Things can get crazy if you can’t put sustenance in your belly. You start thinking crazy and something that might of sounded foolish before doesn’t sound too wild anymore. I know first hand what it feels like not having a buck to your name. It’s not a feeling I would wish on another person. I believe getting your money all depends on your motivation for doing whatever it takes. There are too many ways to make money in the world. Making money illegally should never be a possibility, because it will only lead to one thing. That is somewhere no one wants to be. Make money, but don’t let it make you.

I think we need to follow passions first, and then profits will follow. Focus on profits over passion is just a recipe for disaster. I always try to tell people first they should follow their passion. Following your passion 9 times out 10 will get you much further than doing something you don’t care so much about. Then you will purely be doing it for the money. Like you said, “we need to follow passions first, and then profits will follow”

I think what some people run into is not knowing what to do in order to make money. That’s where education comes into play. Once you start learning and taking action, the rest will fall into place. I think a lot of people look at the end goal instead of enjoying the journey.

I all the time felt down because I couldn’t reach my goal, so one day instead of moaning all the time I decided to work hard and never stop. I’m happy to say that it was wise decision and has given me great results! Not getting where you want or what you want can be a major downer. If you really think about it you can be down and depressed and get no where but stay in the same position your in, or you can keep pushing forward. I can’t say you will make it where you want for sure, because not everybody gets what they want. One thing that I can say is that I would rather keep pushing with the chance something positive might happen rather than sitting around dwelling on what could of been. You are a perfect example of that.

I know when I first joined the online industry I had no clue what I was doing and I should have given up because I continued to hit so many brick walls. But I’m thrilled that I stuck with it and over time, the money started coming. By doing what you love and enjoy, everything else will just fall into place.

I have not tried to make much money through my blog. I have made a little bit but, nothing compared to where I want to be one day. Right now i gave myself a complete goal of the first month just focus on traffic, and getting my word out to the world. I think many people try to start making money to early and are not happy with their results, because you need traffic.

The journey is the best part! Day by day i'm starting to love the journey all the more, because im meeting new people like yourself. I love your positive aura and mindset. In order to get anywhere you have to keep a positive mindset. They say positive things happen to those that keep a positive attitude! (: What you don’t know if you keep and open mind you will eventually pick it up and that goes for making money too! Maybe not as much as some people, but sure enough you will.

Getting To the Chase

In order to get your paper you have to start somewhere. You can’t win a race, or even be in the race, if you don’t start somewhere. Don’t let laziness be your reason for not chasing your cheese. Everyone is sluggish in some way, shape, or form. I must admit in many aspects of my life I am an extremely lazy person. When it comes to chasing my paper on the other hand, I’m going to run after it till I can’t run anymore. I have convinced my mind when it comes to getting your paper, there is no such thing as laziness. When extra money is in the picture I’m all eyes and ears.

Know the direction you’re headed.

Plot out exactly how you are going to make your paper. Planning your journey out ahead of time will give you a better since of organization. Organization is a most, because it will only help improve your productivity. To have your goals right in front of you might be a slight scary. You might be wondering how you’re going to complete all the goals. Making money isn’t something that happens overnight, you have to take things one day at a time. Never get too far ahead of yourself, because it can hinder your enthusiasm for getting there. You see me getting to my paper. I decided this time around I wouldn’t stop till I get there. Dedication & persistence will take you anywhere you want.

We on the Grind

Countless others and I are on the grind day in and day out. We put everything into what we do. There’s no time for doing half ass work. Time is money, and we need all the time we can get. Rule of thumb; don’t do anything at all if you’re not going to give your best. The chances of you getting your money are much greater, when you’re giving your all. If you’re following me you will know the meaning of hard work. Even with all the hard work in the world, you will get nowhere if your focus is off. Your focus could be bad for many reasons. If you’re smart, never let it be because of another individual. Be all about a dollar and them dollars will be all about you. That is a little game for you no game having ass homies. Today I’m going to take you through the life of a hustler. I am a young homie into getting his paper day in and day out. Every day is a new day to better my positioning. Currency just happens to be the motivation. This is why I stay on the grind. The day I let another homie out work me is the day I say goodnight.

Money Won’t Change Me

I’m a low key type of dude. I’m the type that would rather listen than talk. You can call me self-motivated. I inspire myself. I don’t let outside forces be the pure source of my drive. For this, money will never change me. My bank might be five times as wide as the previous year. The fact still remains; I will keep my head on straight. Don’t start being a sucker, when you start seeing those bucks. Keep doing you, because that’s what got you there. Take a little time to really listen to those who care about you. Money is a influential element, and it can change the best of us, if you don’t stay in your lane.

Let money make you, and it will terminate you.


Making money will be a tough task for most. That is why you have to grind till you get your paper. If it was easy everybody would have it, but that isn’t the case. Don’t let your motivation for making money be the downfall of you. Make money, don’t let it make you. The people who make the most money are the people who work the hardest never switching lanes. When you start switching lanes too much, you put yourself in danger of a collision. The same thing applies to money.

Money has a way of changing people when they start getting a lot of money, whenever that happens your on you way to destruction. You always have to stay yourself in the end. Make the money and don’t let the money make you. And when you get the money, don’t let it change you.

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