Living One Day at a Time - When you’re on the grind getting your paper times get tough. First starting out it will be hard to keep your focus on 100 percent at all times. Distractions will always be everywhere and they really only grow on you. It seems like when you let go of all the distractions that’s when they come running after you. Through the day distractions may come in the form of laziness, and through the night it may be partying.

Living One Day at a Time

Why think your life away? The best thought in the world gets you zero results. Think on that quote for a second, then go out and do something worth doing! This will force you to focus on the now and not tomorrow or even next year. What I like to do is write my goals and then forget about it!
Sounds weird but you are putting out in the world what you want to achieve but then you let it go and focus at the task at hand – that article, that marketing tactic, that tweet, etc. Each step will get you to fulfill your goals and dreams, but first you have to give that one step your all.

Whatever the distractions are they must be recognized or they will destroy your progress. Day’s will go by and you will find that you are all backed up on work. Then the mayhem will hit you as hard as the back of my hand. Your stress levels will rise and the temptation to give up will be sky high. Stop. Pause. Take a breather and catch your focus. This is exactly why you must take life one day at a time.

Okay, so first off I have a vision board and it’s framed hanging right over my head as I work each day. So those are my long-term goals. I just look at that each day and move on. I also write down everything I need to do for the day and I concentrate on accomplishing those tasks until they are done. I don’t let distractions get in my way. Okay, I’m not saying I don’t have them because I do from time to time but I get right back to what I need to do.

I have learned over time that it is consistent action that is going to get results. Find what works best for you and do it every day. Eventually you will start seeing results and that’s when you realize that everything you were doing is so worth all the time and effort you put into it.

You Can Handle It

Living will become easier to handle taking it one day at a time. The last thing you want to do is complicate your lifestyle. When you break tasks apart they become easier to complete. It’s all about the way you picture goals. If you picture the whole thing all at once, then it’s going to be a lot to comprehend.

I promise breaking your picture apart is the way to go! After you break it apart, then it’s up to you to put the picture together piece by piece like a puzzle. When I used to wake up and tell myself I had to do a million things to do is exactly when I’d get nothing done. See, the things was that I totally stressed myself out till giving up.

The last thing you want to do when you’re on the grind getting your paper is add more stress to your life. Don’t think too far ahead of yourself. Focus on what you need to tackle right then and there. Let your mind give 100 percent of its power to that one task, and then you will really see what you’re made of deep down inside. When you reach a goal you set, then keep moving on to the next. You never want to let yourself be overwhelmed by day to day activities.

Focus Stronger than Ever Before

When you think about it, your focus is always there. You are focused on way too many things which is only dividing and weakening your focus. Dividing your focus happens more on a daily basis than you realize. It’s impossible to do your homework and watch T.V at the same time without weakening your focus for both.

To really give what’s most important your full attention you must eliminate the other distraction. When your focus is fully on point no outside force will be able to stop you from obtaining your goals. I know first hand, because ever since I started giving what I love all my focus great things have been happening.

The funny thing is that the good things never came close to happening before when my focus was constantly being divided. Believe me when I say the smartest thing for you to do is give what’s important all the focus you have within you.

Stop over Thinking Things

You’re going to end up driving yourself crazy if you don’t stop. There are countless things on your to- do list that are very important I’m sure. No matter how important they are, it’s not enough to stress you out. The truth is that you should never let anything stress you out, because it isn’t good for your health.

When you let your mind go crazy so will you. It’s critical that you stop over thinking situations you get yourself into, because it’s never helps when getting your paper. The moment you start over thinking you’re far more prone to act off impulse. That is the last trait you want to turn in a habit. The smartest move for you is staying cool, calm, and collective.

In that mindset you’re able to actually think things out, before taking action. Stay calm and it will help your mind stay clear and functioning properly. No more over thinking from here on out for you! If you don’t calm yourself down your motivation will take a major beating. Do whatever it takes to think rational in the worst of times, because that’s your best hope of progressing forward.

Time Expansion

The best part of living your life one day at a time is that time expands. I know you probably think I don’t know what I’m talking about, but I assure you I most certainly do. When you truly live your life day by day it will feel like you have more time on your hands.

When you’re constantly thinking about the future time will fly right by you, because you’re only focused on the future. You are not doing anything right now, but instead looking for the inevitable. Focus on what you can do one day at a time and sure enough time will expand, because it does happen.

Time won’t speed right by you, and you’ll be able to make better use of the time you have. All in all living one day at a time has taught me that it will boost your productivity. Today whether you believe it or not, you need all the time you can get on your side. Look at the time you have as if there is nothing more important.

Let time expand in your mind and it will expand in reality. People ask me how I’m able to get so much done in short time. It all depends on how you make your time expand and get the best of it. After all time is money. Use everything you can to your advantage while getting your paper.

Breaking large tasks down to smaller task is definitely the best approach when tackling any project or goal. If you dont, as you mentioned in the article, you’ll simply just keep thinking over everything that you have to do to actually reach your milestone and if you lack the motivation, it;s really easy to get discouraged by the work that lies ahead of you.

People that don’t use this strategy of breaking big task down often go through what is known as Analysis Paralysis meaning all they do is keep thinking over and over about what they have to do and never make any progress.

Someone once asked me “How do you eat an elephant?” At the time I was pretty much confused by the question. But the answer, of course, was “One bite at a time”. If you just make 1% progress towards a goal or business milestone, per day, in 100 days you will have fully completed that goal! That’s another way of looking at how easy it is to actually reach your goals.

All you have to do is make 1% progress everyday. I call it the 1% solution!

I remember I used to have the problem of focusing on too many things at once. It eventually damaged my motivation and made it very hard for me to actually get anything done. It was like I never knew where to begin. Everyone might not have that problem, then I’m sure there as people who experience the same problem. The best way I have learn to beat it is taking things one day at a time as far as my business goes. By taking things one day at a time I am mastering the art of getting what I need in that day done. This is only boosting my motivation.

Creativity cannot be forced. Yes, there may be times when we are able to sit and put our heads down and the words will flow, but other times it’s not like that. Sitting and forcing the thoughts to come is really unfair and frankly, grueling. Keeping a cool head is always great advice whatever situation we find ourselves in. It’s ok not to be prolific. It’s ok not to be creative 100% of the time. Creativity will come in its own time. Thanks William!


Living your life one day at a time might be just what you need. More times than none, when you’re getting overwhelmed you just need to slow down and shape the picture. By living your life one day at a time you can focus on what’s important at that particular time. It may not be important tomorrow, but it’s crucial right then and there.

That way you will tackle the thing most important at that time. Many times when you look too far down the road you lose focus of what’s really important. When I first started my journey my mind was set on a level of success I hadn’t even reached. It was the one main thing holding me back from ever reaching the destination.

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