Bed Bug Bites Symptoms - Bed bugs are a common creature found in over half of the homes in the world. They are a great nuisance, as they are fond of sucking a human’s blood. Bed bugs are nocturnal creatures which come out only during the night and feed upon there prey’s blood.

Bed Bug Bites Symptoms

They suck warm blood and since we are a warm blood creature, they have created a problem for us. Bed bug bites can be detected if you look out for bed bug bites symptoms. In this article we will discuss some of the bed bug bites symptoms.

One of the most easy to recognize among the bed bug bites symptoms is a rash. This rash is similar to the normal rash but there are some stark differences by use of which you can detect whether the rash is a normal one or caused by bed bugs. The rashes caused by bed bugs often have bite marks all over them. These marks appear when bed bugs suck blood. These appear wherever bed bugs suck blood from. Also when bed bugs feed they numb the skin from where they feed and then start sucking the blood so you won’t feel the itching or pain at once. Normally that part of the skin remains numb for at least an hour or so. Also these bugs normally are in a group of three so there are most probably three bites in the affected area.

One more thing if such a rash appears do not ignore it as a normal rash and wait till it happens again because bed bugs feed themselves occasionally. So they may not appear again for days but that doesn’t mean they are not there. Hence whenever you experience such a rash always go to your doctor and also implement some means by which you can get rid of these bed bugs. So if you know about these bed bugs bites symptoms then you can easily get rid off them and cure the bite with the help of some medication.

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